M.S. Fernando
Eb / m4-32b

ඔබගේ රුව මාගෙමයි - Bb (Orig Key: Eb)

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Intro Interlude







|A |- |- |-|A |- |G |-

obegee ruwe maageemayi - sathutee mal piidheemayi

|G |- |D |- |- |- |A |G |- |-

pEre mage muthu pzzdheemayi - oo oo oo - kiri pzNi see pzzheemayi

|A |- |- |-|A |- |G |-

obegee hadhe maageemayi - katheree mal piidheemayi

|G |- |D |-|- |- |A |G |- |-

nowiNdhepu suwe szzdheemayi - oo oo oo - ran rase see pzzheemayi


|A |- |-|- |- |- |D

saNGsaaree - kEm bim soyaa soyaa sithuu pzthuu dhee

|D |A |-

thiresare wunaa

|A |- |-|- |- |- |D

sRuNGgaaree - pEm piNi powaa powaa sinaa saLaalaa

|D |A |-

thurulete wElaa

|A |D |A |-|- |D |A |-

siithele hime laNG weewii - uNusume mate oonzz wEyi

|G |A |- |-

pEm sililaaree maa math wunaa


pEm siinee - lowe dhzne ganiyi kiyaa biyee szkee maa

hadhe goLu wElaa

santhoosee - inneko oyaa nisaa dhiwaa rzyee maa

umethuwe giyaa

sire gEye bindhee obayi - maa sithe gaththee obayi

pEm sililaaree maa math wunaa

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